Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Hi! I am a Blessed Mommy to eight children, and yes, they are all mine (& my husband's)!!! So if you haven't guessed, I have weight to lose from my last pregnancy. I am not able to diet due to the fact that I am nursing. However, I am trying my best to eat well... lots of fruits & veggies... I haven't updated this blog since 2008, so I am getting ready to get started again here in 2009.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Wednesday's Weigh In!!!

This week, I didn't do as well as I thought, BUT a loss is a loss any way you look at it! I lost .8 pounds this week bringing my total up to 13.4 pounds lost total.

Do you remember that challenge I took last week? Well, I completed it...that is more than 28 fruits and veggies, AND 300 exercise minutes!!! I felt so accomplished by the successful completion of the challenge that I took the challenge AGAIN this week!!! Am I crazy or what?!!!

Yep!!! I thought so, I have gone loopy!!! I REALLY don't have the time to complete that many minutes...you know, I am up till 10 or 11p.m. exercising, but my clothes are continually getting bigger on me AND I am getting closer and closer to being able to wear my wedding rings again. I am reaching for the prize and I won't rest until I get it.

Well, I must be off again...my Tae-Bo video is calling my name!!!

If you would like to join us at Tales From the Scales Look Great in 2008, it's coming to a close...

AND if you need a little help with reaching your weight loss goals, try Spark People, you'll be glad you did! BTW...at Spark People I am KICKBOXINGMOM!!!


Journo June aka MamaBear said...

You are making great progress! Congrats!
Path to Health

Tiffany said...

That is great on completing your goals and continuing to lose weight! Keep it up.

I was never "overweight" in high school or the first year of college, although I wasn't exactly "skinny". But I soon began to gain weight-although I played college soccer until I graduated.

I also gained weight with my first pregnancy-60 pounds YIKES!! And then got pregnant with number two-and had a miscarriage at 16 weeks. Fell into a deep depression, and then 6 months later found out we were pregnant with number 3 in December 2006-without having lost any weight from baby #2.

anyway, baby#3 was born with no complications. I only gained 40 lbs and I have lost all of plus 9 lbs. I still have 15 pound to go to be where I was before I got pregnant with baby#1 and then another 36 lbs to go to get to my goal weight

Anyway, congrats on the weight loss and the babies!!

Melonie said...

Good for you! :-)

Have any of your kids ever tried the kids' version of the TaeBo videos? I spotted them on Blockbuster the other day and am wondering what other kids actually think of them. My daughter's 6 and she's enjoyed some kids' yoga DVDs but not others - the Wai Lana ones were a definite thumbs down with her. ;-)

amma15 said...

Awesome blog, I'll be adding you to my blog roll! I was once a tae bo fanatic before I moved and couldn't find where I packed this DVDs.