Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Hi! I am a Blessed Mommy to eight children, and yes, they are all mine (& my husband's)!!! So if you haven't guessed, I have weight to lose from my last pregnancy. I am not able to diet due to the fact that I am nursing. However, I am trying my best to eat well... lots of fruits & veggies... I haven't updated this blog since 2008, so I am getting ready to get started again here in 2009.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wednesday's Weigh In!!!

Well...this week with Spark People has been successful!!! I have lost 2 pounds this week!!!

And can I just say

WOOHOO!!!!Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I am completely and totally ectastic!!!! This week I joined a challenge that pushes me to my limits!!! The challenge is to eat 28 servings of fruits and veggies (that's the easy part) and to do 300 minutes of exercise...that is the clincher!!! Although it includes all exercise...cardio, stretching, and strength training.

So far I am keeping up, believe or not!!! I have exercised every day, of course I will only do strength training Monday, Wednesday, and Friday...then cardio every day. This challenges figures that you are working out for an hour every day or more on some days, less on others.

My ellipitical is getting its use and soon I will be using my good ole' treadmill, that is, once my hubby helps me bring it downstairs...with seven children, you can't exercise in another part of the house!

What I like best about Spark People is that I am no longer "counting" my calories...it is doing it for me! I am also eating better balanced meals and not so many protein bars. You know, REAL food fills you up better than protein bars!!! I never knew that!

Anyway, if you need a little help with motivation and dieting, I encourage you to join Spark People! If you DO decide to join, I am KICKBOXINGMOM!

Have a great day!!!

BTW, If you made a comment on my blog and I didn't visit you last week...forgive me! I have been overloaded with busyness lately...I am barely keeping up with the everyday!!! I didn't forget you dear friends!


Mom said...


Amity said...

You are AWESOME!!!! You have managed to do this with 7 children and I can't do it with only 4...talk about embarrassing,LOL!! Keep up with the wonderful job you are doing.....I hope to be doing a good job too...soon.

Rebecca Johnson said...

Woweee...7 kids. I just can't imagine, but what a blessing! You're doing great and I know you'll keep up the good work and will reach your goal!

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Congrats on the weight loss. You are doing great. Are the rings fitting yet? I haven't tried mine yet. I will probably wait until I am down by 20 lbs.

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Hooray! And with seven children, I don't think any of us think you are rotten for not visiting us! I think it's awesome that you are making such great progress with your hands that full. :-D
Path to Health

Melonie said...

This is fantastic! Congrats on the loss.

What a neat challenge too - especially the fruits and veggies. For all too many people that's actually the hard part. Scary, huh?