Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Hi! I am a Blessed Mommy to eight children, and yes, they are all mine (& my husband's)!!! So if you haven't guessed, I have weight to lose from my last pregnancy. I am not able to diet due to the fact that I am nursing. However, I am trying my best to eat well... lots of fruits & veggies... I haven't updated this blog since 2008, so I am getting ready to get started again here in 2009.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Exercise Diary

Yes, another diary...tonight I did Billy Blank's Cardio Workout, but it wasn't easy. I had a fussy baby the entire time I was working out. I stopped probably 15 times to put her pacifier back into her mouth. I finished at 10:40 p.m. this evening! We will see how I sleep tonight!

How do I feel after REALLY working out for the first time in 1 1/2 years? A bit winded, sweaty, and my tummy aches & feels like it is hollow inside, BUT overall, I feel pretty good! I can guarantee that I will be sore, but sore muscles are a good thing when you are starting a new exercise regimen! It means that you did your body some good!

I only got on my elliptical for one minute today and that was just too easy! I will have to try for 2 minutes each time and remember to set my timer so that I remember to do my elliptical training! OH WELL, at least I did my Tae-Bo workout...it is 40 minutes from beginning to end.

I am really going to try to get up earlier! My baby girl has been fussy every night until about 12-1 a.m. so it is really hard to get up before 7:30 a.m.!!! I am not normally a late sleeper, but when I am nursing I get really fatigued. When I was pregnant, I was getting up every day at 6:30 a.m. or earlier. I wish I could do that now!!! If I can get myself to doing that then I will workout in the morning instead of the evening...we'll see!

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