Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Hi! I am a Blessed Mommy to eight children, and yes, they are all mine (& my husband's)!!! So if you haven't guessed, I have weight to lose from my last pregnancy. I am not able to diet due to the fact that I am nursing. However, I am trying my best to eat well... lots of fruits & veggies... I haven't updated this blog since 2008, so I am getting ready to get started again here in 2009.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

So, I did it!

I finally did a little exercise! I thought that I would start out on the elliptical and BOY DID I FEEL IT!!! I could only do 5 minutes! I think it is going to work, but I am going to have to work into it. Within the first minute, my thigh muscles were burning! Then I kind of added a twist and felt it in my ribs! I know if I would have done it longer I would have felt it in my backside as well!

Oh well! There's always tomorrow!

1 comment:

Joy said...

Good job on the exercise. Keep it up-you may not "enjoy" it but after a bit you will start having more energy and you will feel better afterwards plus you burn calories and tone. (Sometimes it is a drudgery though)
God bless