Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Hi! I am a Blessed Mommy to eight children, and yes, they are all mine (& my husband's)!!! So if you haven't guessed, I have weight to lose from my last pregnancy. I am not able to diet due to the fact that I am nursing. However, I am trying my best to eat well... lots of fruits & veggies... I haven't updated this blog since 2008, so I am getting ready to get started again here in 2009.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Friday's Fiasco & Saturday's Struggles

Friday was a very busy day and we had an evening Fall Party. They were cooking hot dogs over an open fire and marshmellows for s'mores...I am not a hot dog eater, but I LOVE s'mores, but I was good.

I ate a cup of chicken corn chowder with homemade noodles, about 1/2 cup white and black grapes, a couple crackers with cheese ball spread, a bite of my daughter's hot dog, and ONE s'more.

Here is my guess on Friday's calorie intake:

  • Oatmeal fixed THIS way (450)
  • 2 cups coffee (150)

  • BBQ chicken leg Quarter, no skin (250)

No Snack

  • Chicken Corn Chowder with Homemade noodles, 1 cup (220) Normal chicken and homemade noodles is about 365 calories a cup, however this particular soup had mostly corn and carrots meaning I only got about 3 noodles total and mostly veggies & chicken.
  • 1/3 hot dog on bun (90)
  • Grapes, about 20 (70)
  • 5 Crackers (75)
  • 2 T cheese ball (200)
  • S'more with 2 marshmellows (graham cracker-65; 1/4 chocolate bar-60; 2 marshmellows-50)
  • pudding (200)

TOTAL = 1880 (YES! right in my goal calorie range)

To maintain my weight, I need to eat 2183 calories a day (I add 500 calories for my nursing needs). However, to lose weight I must eat 300 calories less each day. This has worked for me before and knowing that I have to write everything down, I am more careful about what goes into my mouth.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketIf I exercise, then I can eat MORE, because I hour of kickboxing (I like to do Tae-Bo) can burn 400+ calories! If I don't increase the amount I eat, I lose the weight even faster and exercise makes you less hungry. I plan to add exercise in the next week or two, when things settle down around here.

Saturday's stuggles are now at hand...What I mean to say is that I woke up with a horrible migraine today at about 5:30 a.m. and I am still fighting the migraine, although with lots of pain killers it is just a shadow of a headache now, but still throbbing pain. That's to say I am coping. My diet hasn't been the best so far today, but I may just skip today, who knows? I will know more later...bye for now!

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