Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Hi! I am a Blessed Mommy to eight children, and yes, they are all mine (& my husband's)!!! So if you haven't guessed, I have weight to lose from my last pregnancy. I am not able to diet due to the fact that I am nursing. However, I am trying my best to eat well... lots of fruits & veggies... I haven't updated this blog since 2008, so I am getting ready to get started again here in 2009.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wednesday's Weigh In!!!

I have lost another 2 pounds!!! I have had company since Saturday (they left today), so I haven't had time to post my food diary, but I kept track of what I ate and made sure to not eat too much!

And I did get a new scale this week, my old scale was weighing me right but this scale is digital and much easier to see for us blind folks!

So, with this weeks weight loss, I have lost a total of 3 lbs!!! That is exciting for me. Maybe next week will be better because I plan to add exercise now. Now that my company is gone!

If you are reading this for the first time and have not joined the LOOK GREAT IN 2008 Challenge and would like to, go to TALES FROM THE SCALES!


Diana Swallow said...

Congrats on the 2 pound loss and while you had company? Thats just amazing. I'm sure you'll do even better without the extra temptations house guests and the challenge of being a good hostess bring.

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Hooray for the 2 pounds gone! Congrats on a great start.
Path to Health